17 juni 2024, 08:05:21

Valkparkieten zoeken goed Thuis

Gestart door ceich, 27 februari 2016, 18:00:18

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I'm posting into this forum because we are looking for a new home for our 4 cockatiels (2 couples).

We have two lovely cockatiel couples (Gorda (4) and Bubi (15); Flaco (3) and Gordo (4)). They live in a big cage in our living room and are outside all day. We can interact with them to sing and play but they don't like to be touched. They regard us as part of their flock - when we are in the kitchen, they join by sitting on the kitchen cupboards.
They are adorable, but they are typical cockatiels. In their activity phases they are loud.
We have these birds for 4 years now. We moved with them to our new house, which has a small living room. Last year we got a baby (4 months now). We would like to find a new home for our birds for several reasons. We have now too little space (we cannot put them in any other room, then they wouldn't be able to fly). Since the baby is there we cover them quite often because we are more sensitive to the noise. We also don't have the time anymore to interact with them as before. We feel pity for them, but we don't think this is going to change soon, as we both work full time and hardly find time for us since the baby is born.

Deciding to find a new place for them was really difficult and makes us sad, but we think it is better for them.
We are looking for an experienced cockatiel owner who has the right conditions to keep birds. We don't want to split the couples, but the two couples don't necessary need to stay together. One bird (Flaco) had a broken leg when we got him. We got his leg treated by a vet, but since then it is crippled. It is no problem for him, he does everything the other birds do and he can fly like a rocket, the only things he needs is a a cage with horizontal bars for climbing and a plateau to sleep, as he likes to sleep on his belly to relax the legs. We would provide these plateaus.
It is really important for us that they will have a good new home, so please only contact us if you have the right conditions. We live in Den Haag, but distance is not an issue for us. We would like to see where they are going to live.

Sorry that I posted in English (my written Dutch is very bad...), but don't hesitate to contact me in Dutch!



Hallo,  do you have a picture of the birds? :)

Als iemand een vertaling wil hebben, geef maar een seintje.